Hi, I’m Marie Louise. I am a designer and researcher exploring feminist design, futures, and digital technologies for health and wellbeing.


︎ On parental leave in 2024 ︎

We hosted our second workshop in the “Nordic Fabulation Network” (NordForsk-funded) at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design in January 2024 ︎

I published a new open-access journal article on “What mosses can teach us about design fabulations and feminist more-than-human care“ in the HCI journal ︎ 
The July/August 2023 ACM Interactions magazine is co-edited by Gopinaath Kannabiran and me! So excited to give you a whole issue on “Feminist Ecologies in HCI”! Including “a Preamble” by Gopi and I, and a dialogue with Nadia titled “From Menstrual Care to Environmental Care”.︎   
